In PCBA processing, what is the difference between reflow soldering and wave soldering?

Views : 174
Update time : 2023-03-08 09:23:13
PCBA refers to the abbreviation of Printed Circuit Board+Assembly, that is to say, the empty PCB board passes through the SMT upper part, and then goes through the whole process of DIP plug-in, referred to as PCBA. This is a common way of writing in China, while the standard way of writing in Europe and the United States is PCB'A, adding "", which is called the official idiom.
1. Reflow soldering: refers to the solder paste pre-coated on the pad by heating and melting to realize the electrical interconnection of the pins or solder ends of the electronic components pre-mounted on the pad and the pad on the pcb, so as to To achieve the purpose of soldering electronic components on the PCB board. Reflow soldering is generally divided into preheating zone, heating zone and cooling zone.
Reflow soldering process: printing solder paste "mounting components" reflow soldering "cleaning
2. Wave soldering: Use a pump to spray the molten solder into a solder wave, and then pass the pins of the electronic components to be soldered through the solder wave to realize the electrical interconnection between the electronic components and the PCB board. A wave soldering machine is divided into four parts: spraying, preheating, tin furnace, and cooling.
Wave soldering process: plug-in "flux coating" preheating "wave soldering" cutting corners "check.
3. The difference between wave soldering and reflow soldering:
(1) Wave soldering is the melting of solder to form a solder wave to solder the components; reflow soldering is the formation of high-temperature hot air to reflow molten solder to solder the components.
(2) During reflow soldering, there is already solder on the pcb before it is put on the furnace. After soldering, the coated tin is only melted for soldering. During wave soldering, there is no solder before the pcb is put on the furnace. The solder wave generated by the soldering machine coats the solder Soldering is done on the pads that need to be soldered.
(3) Reflow soldering is suitable for SMD electronic components, and wave soldering is suitable for pin electronic components.
The above is the difference between reflow soldering and wave soldering in PCBA processing, I hope it can help you!
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